Technical Report


Mobile data is a system that connects people with smart devices to the internet. This service has allowed for many users to connect to the web from multiple places without needing to be close to a connection area. Many companies have tried to sell their product by advertising that their connection is much more consistent and stronger than any other competitor. This type of advertising has become prevalent in the modern day. The reason for this lies on the fact that the highest rated signal connections are delicate and require specific signals in order to reach the public. Ahmed Alkhateeb, a professor at Arizona State University and author of “Limited Feedback Hybrid Precoding for Multi-User Millimeter Wave Systems”. He mentions that there is a consistent issue with the wavelength and devices connecting to the internet in that same speed. As shown in Figure 1. In simplified terms, the figure shows the signal tower as FBB and FRF. FBB and FRF are comparable to a server tower, or a point where multiple devices can connect to. W1, W2 and WU represent devices attempting to connect to the server.  In the figure below, the issue with limited feedback is presented. When multiple lines are trying to connect to an access point, it usually ends up in limited amounts of data making it in between each device. You’ll likely see this in long load times on sites, missing parts of the site or a robotic sound in voice calls. Both are important parts when it comes to having a signal and allowing others to connect to it. In this situation the user would experience some limitations in connections because of the signal (bubbles shown in blue and green).

Figure 1: This includes a diagram of the issue when it comes to data waves being small/unable to reach their destination in the same speed.



A- Basics:

Cellular data works based on towers. Each tower will emit a signal at a specific hertz. This can vary from 1.9 (2G) to 95 (5G) gigahertz. The higher the hertz number, the stronger the signal is, meaning that higher hertz will lead to a fast and strong connection between you, the towers, and then the internet. Despite this, there can be variations within the strength depending on the environment. This will be addressed later. Currently, the system of towers works as follows, there a lot of mobile data towers around the globe, each can connect to the internet. There are also smaller networks, like Wi-Fi that will give internet access to local areas within one’s home. (Figure 2) Figure 2 demonstrates the current system of networks around the country. There are larger services meant for generalized areas and smaller network systems like Wi-Fi or local access points/network (LAN). As has been presented the public, the type of each public mobile data service is differentiated by generation. This is what it meant when you saw 2G, 3G in the past and now 4G, LTE or 5G. Each hertz generation has a different base signal which increases pre generation. Previous generations allowed for users to send standard text messages and allowed for users to access the internet when it was first implemented for world-wide use. The current generations of data have allowed users to play videos at higher rates and qualities. This is something being advertised especially with the rise of these newer generation signals. Ever since it has been implemented for world-wide use, the need for signal towers has risen. Each signal tower has a range at which they can emit a signal reliably, as the need for stronger signals also increased, more towers would be needed to physically be able to cover larger parts of the country. Each tower can only hold a limited amount of connections before it becomes overloaded with multiple connections. This brings up the topic of the number of towers needed to cover the citizens in much more crowded populations. Due to the increasing amount of mobile data companies and customers connecting to the web, a lot more towers are needed to spread that connection to be accessible to everyone.

Figure 2: This diagram shows localized and larger scale towers meant to allow for scalable connection systems (

B- Towers and 5G:

The issue with the new 5G system is that a lot of structures can block this data as the waves are very thin. Not being able to pass through material strongly limits how people can gain signal. If a person is across of a tower blocked by a tall building, chances are they might be in an area of reception blocked by a physical structure. Jaswinder Lota is a PhD researcher in Digital Signal Processing. He explains the issue of tower placement in the article “5G Uniform Linear Arrays with Beamforming and Spatial Multiplexing at 28 GHz, 37 GHz, 64 GHz and 71 GHz for Outdoor Urban Communication: A Two-Level Approach” They explain the need to allow multiple connections to a single tower with the new generation data service. They describe that the data would need to transmit in a different way. Instead of using a single point of entry for all the incoming data, the data would come from a network of towers, accepting data from local areas which then can connect to a larger system to avoid load. In addition to how the data would be received and transferred, the change to millimeter data waves is also mentioned. Millimeter data wave (mm) usage is an idea currently being presented to deal with the lac occasional data packet loss when someone connects to an online service. This new millimeter data signal is the move from generation to pass off more data per packet which allows the person to download content at exponentially faster speeds. The new signal wave would be more flexible with more condensed areas in cities where multiple signals are being sent. This new millimeter signal wave would be effective at giving much better download speeds, but it would come at the cost of limited range. Smaller waves are not able to reliably go long distances. This is because smaller waves are not effective at longer distances. The idea to fix this was presented above; to add a network of towers, and changing the way that towers are set up to optimize coverage around the states and cities without having to worry about load counts in cities. This would deal with more populated areas like New York.


In order to tackle one of the issues with the towers, it is suggested that the placement of towers also be considered. Currently, towers are only able to send and receive data from specific areas. (Figure 3) Towers currently have a specific data range. Its unique shape in range means that towers need to be strategically placed in order to obtain maximum coverage. Figure 3 explains how to fix this issue by creating a polygon-like formation of towers. This would be critical to providing a reliable connection because it would cover corners. The only drawback to this is that it would require some work to readjust the current towers and the coverage might extend to other areas which might or might not be areas where the company will offer their services. For example, this would strongly benefit New York City because the addition of more towers would help to give more daily users coverage throughout. A lot of New Yorkers have experienced losing connection in some areas where seemingly there is an open area. This would secure that coverage and the total amount of towers after the addition and modification would be easier to manage for the towers itself.


5G data is important and crucial to all people who use any electronic device. Mobile data is something that has become part of most people’s lives. There are a lot of current issues with the way that 5G might be implemented and how it would work especially in larger cities like New York. All companies should move forward by attempting to spend their resources to add new towers and to change the position of some to allow for the new 5G millimeter wave data. This transition would appeal to all current users and the transfer from 4G and LTE to 5G. Alkhateeb and Lota explain the issues with the current systems of data and potential ways to deal with this issue in their papers which involve change in data waves and positioning of data towers. These mobile companies should It is important that mobile data companies create and advertise strong internet connections to appeal to more users. Almost every person will need to have some mobile data provider. With the implementation of stronger signal potentials like 5G it is also important to be able to provide coverage to everyone. Changing the tower setup to a polygon format coverage is most effective to provide strong and fast speeds to their consumers. These changes would specifically benefit New York because the density of people means that there is constant demand for multiple connections per tower with multiple amounts of packets of content. The nature of having a better system of networks would allow these mobile companies to advertise their networks to be better than the competition so it would benefit these companies in the long run as well.

Cited Sources

A Robust Security Architecture for SDN-Based 5G Networks.

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